Diana R. Garland School of Social Work
The Diana R. Garland School of Social Work has set an ambitious goal to raise $50 million as part of the Give Light Campaign in order to advance the priorities and areas of growth highlighted within Illuminate, the University Strategic Plan.
During the Give Light Campaign, the Garland School of Social Work will focus their fundraising efforts in the following ways among six priority areas and programs:
- Endowed scholarships to meet the needs of students and remove barriers to their Baylor education.
- Endowed faculty positions and programmatic support to broaden and deepen academic opportunities and community outreach.
The following are the Garland School’s highest priority fundraising projects that are being highlighted in the current phase of the Give Light Campaign. These projects are funded, the School will bring forward other opportunities for the Baylor Family to support the talented students and faculty within the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work.
Social Work in Houston: $12 million
Opened in 2015, Baylor Social Work in Houston has great potential for development, with the need for qualified and educated social workers with mental health specializations rapidly growing. In order to meet the program’s needs, the Garland School is seeking to raise funds for sustained and enduring endowment support for the program in the following areas:
- Mental Health Faculty Endowment
- Endowed Student Scholarships
- Endowed Programmatic Development Funds
Interdisciplinary Health Research and Training Institute: $10 million
To better prepare students to be problem-solvers and to help faculty in their research of the best practices to address issues, the Garland School is seeking funding to create the Interdisciplinary Health Research and Training Institute as part of its Houston campus. The Institute will strengthen allied health research, education and services in conjunction with the Houston campus and Texas Medical Center, including Baylor College of Medicine, guided by a social determinants of health framework. The School is seeking endowment support to create two faculty positions, as well support for student scholarships.
Institute for Gerontology: $5 million
The Garland School is seeking to grow the gerontology program and revive the Institute of Gerontology to better meet the demand of students and more effectively address the field’s growing research needs. The Garland School is seeking scholarship and research endowment support for this priority area.
Congregational Social Work: $10.5 million
The Garland School has the opportunity to greatly influence and inform the ways in which faith-based organizations and churches seek to minister to and help communities. In order to better address these areas of influence and research, the School is seeking support for two important programs: the Center for Church and Community Impact (C3I) and the Congregational and Community Health Initiative. The following areas of need will greatly shape the trajectory and capacity for impact of these two important areas:
- Endowed Programmatic Development Funds
- Congregational Social Work Graduate Student Scholarship Endowment
- Congregational and Community Health Initiative Graduate Student Scholarship Endowment
Global and Domestic Trauma Response: $5 million
The Garland School has prioritized building its capacity for trauma-related training for students, as well as increasing research in this growing field, where its faculty are already conducting exciting and promising research. The School is seeking support for an endowed chair position for a faculty member to grow and lead this program, as well as scholarship endowment support to help grow the program’s enrollment.
Global Mission Leadership Initiative: $5 million
Since 2009, the Global Mission Leadership Initiative (GML) has seen its alumni scatter all over the world, contributing to human flourishing and thriving communities. The Garland School is seeking funding for this program to not only continue to support the development of these world leaders but expand opportunities through scholarships to support these graduate students and create endowed funds to provide staff and faculty with additional resources to seek out and recruit leaders who have passion and drive to improve their communities.